If you want to ride faster, safer and with more confidence on technical trails then a conditioning routine is mandatory. In this video, I share my 8 best moves that form part of my MTB workout.
Not into video? Follow the routine by reading the captions below.
Warm-up | Begin with a 10-minute cardio warm-up that works the complete body.
A few minutes of foam rolling will help loosen things up, increase your range of motion, break up any adhesions, reduce stiffness and increase blood flow. So yes, don’t skip this essential part of the warm-up.
Bear Crawl | On all fours with your limbs and torso at 90-degree angles, knees hovering about 30mm off the ground, a flat back, legs hip-width apart and arms at shoulder width. Now move one hand and the opposite foot forward, then switch. | The idea is to move slowly in a controlled manner with slight pauses between each ‘step’. Keep your core activated by pulling your navel to your spine.
Turkish Getup Reverse Kettlebell | Lie on your back with arms and legs spread at a 45-degree angle. Place your right foot on the floor a few inches from your butt and slightly outward. Holding the kettlebell in the reverse position, lift your arm straight up to the ceiling keeping your wrist straight and eyes fixed upwards. Now push through your right heel and your left elbow to prop yourself up onto your elbow before rolling onto your hand. Use your trunk to move into a seated position before sliding your left leg underneath you and stacking your knee under your hip at a 90-degree angle. Now look straight ahead and move into the standing position. From here, reverse all the moves back down to the starting position. | Move slowly in one smooth motion.
Push Ups | With your hands in the power position, tighten the core, keep a slight bend in the knees and drop all the way down to the floor before pushing up to the start position. | Vary your speed and change the angle you are dropping down at to increase strength through a wider range of motion.
Opposite Arm / Leg Plank | From the standard plank position which has a slight bend in the knees, raise the opposite arm and leg off the ground and hold for 30 seconds. Now switch and work the other side.
Jumping Lunges | From the deep lunge position lean forward, contract your core, sink down a little and now explode upwards launching your body into the air fully extending your knees and hips. In the air, switch your feet and land with the opposite one forward. Use your hips and knees to absorb the landing. Repeat. | Go for maximum air and try reset quickly – ie: takeoff as soon as possible after landing.
Jack Knife Push Ups | With your shins on the ball, place your hands in to the push up position. Now tuck your knees up into your chest – rolling the ball in the process – hold and then return to the start position before dropping into a single push up. Repeat.
Pull Ups | With your arms about shoulder width apart, knees rotated up so your torso, thighs and lower leg are at 90-degree angles lift yourself in a slow controlled move, up to the bar. Pause here briefly before lowering yourself. The knees stay bent at 90-degrees throughout the set.
Side Plank | With your forearm on the floor and your elbow below your shoulders, bend the knees slightly and activate your core to stabilize yourself. Keep your spine straight and hold this position for 60 seconds.
RELATED: How-to foam roll
| Visual Guru: Retroyspective | Location: Specialized Experience Centre |